Skydiving dog



Whoa. I can see that this is military-related, but I'd never thought about animals being able to dive. How do they take care of pulling the parachute? Wouldn't it be better to have them in tandem instead?
Wow, I am sure they did not ask the dog if he (or she) would like to jump out of an airplane ?? And would he jump by himself or would someone trow him out. Poor doggy ....


I have no idea. I'm guessing if he's part of the military, he would just jump. After all, he's trained to follow commands, right? Maybe they have a training setup to teach dogs to not be scared of jumping without being able to see the landing, too?
Hi, talked here at the air force about this, and a guy there told me that there are dogs that are really
excited before they go in to the airplane and that they seems to love it. But I still have my doubts?